Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Minnesota vs. South Dakota vs. Iowa

Being a college student in South Dakota, I have faced a lot of adversity, or should I say "bullshit," from some of the other natives of South Dakota. Back then, I'd fight back and defend Minnesota to the death. Now, like I've said before, I've gotten a little wiser and more mature, and I simply could not care less anymore.

With that said, it gets sickening to listen to other people bitch about where they come from. "Ooh, you're from Minnesota, so you must be retarded." Whatever.

This has been a main topic at work with some of the other college go-ers, guys who are younger than me and think that their state is better than anybody elses. I'm way past that conversation. So, I just pack my shit up and LEAVE, because I have simply better things to do than to listen to that bullshit.

Also, one of my South Dakota friends heard that the term "bling bling" has entered in the English dictionary. He had a fit and could not give it up after bitching about it for a half hour. Again, this is where I got up and LEFT.

Sorry, stupid rant. But this is the world I live in.


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