Friday, July 30, 2004

Dog Sitting, Part II

Well, "Frankie" has now officially invaded the house.

It's a little runt of a dog. A weiner dog, to be exact. The cats, Clovton and Bubba, cannot really know what to make out of it. Bubba took a swipe at Frankie, and Frankie barked like something fierce.

I picked up Frankie to haul him out of our bedroom, and Clovton was sitting on top of our entertainment center. She looked at me with a look like, "What the hell are you doing?! You're supposed to do that to me!"

Playing "fetch" with Frankie is an experience in itself. He's tries to pick up a ball bigger than his head, but his large mouth manages to pick it up. It's almost hilarious to see him run after the ball, because he's airbourne half the time with his long strides, plus the fact that he's so low to the ground. His ears are also quite large, so a gust of wind will actually pull his face back. It's great.

At least it hasn't shit in the house yet!


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