Fun With Lasers (and Cats!)
I know that I haven't been posting much this month in TonyTimes (although I had promised), so I've decided to give you a little humor to finish out the month of November.
A few weeks ago, I had a 6th grade student who was stupid enough to bring a laser pointer to school. What was even more stupid was the fact that he shined that damn thing into my eye! After a short but severe scolding (yes, I can in fact get angry in class -- ask my 4th period students [Jerry Maguire-style]), I took the pointer away from him, promising to give it back to him (and every day since, he's asked for it back, but I still have it).
But tonight, lo and behold, I found a new use for the laser pointer. Katie found it in one of my pants pockets when she was doing the laundry, so I found some pointless fun by playing around with it. If anybody knows me well enough, they should know that Katie and I have two cats. They both quickly picked up on the laser beam on the floor and proceeded to chase it around. I was beginning to become highly amused.
Laughter ensues.
Katie discovers what I am doing. After a few shorts laughs, she seems to be enjoying the playful activity. But after shining the laser from the floor to the wall -- with the cats clunking their heads into the wall 2-3 times -- Katie, combined with her visit from "Aunt Flo" and the crappy weather we're having, REALLY didn't like that too much.
Of course, it's me -- I see humor in every little thing!
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