The Man Who Stole The Show

On Saturday, after getting ever-so-slightly-bored of taking care of "C-Dog", I drove into town to see what Mike was up to. After watching a game or two of college football, we headed up-town to "The Pop Shop" to pick up some alcohol. 12-pack of Miller Lite for me, a bottle of Jim Beam for Mike.
Like I said a few days ago, I needed to let loose, and let loose, I did. The beer was going down like water -- which didn't make it better for us, especially when we were playing Mike's dynasty on NCAA Football 2006. We won the first game -- but after more consumption of, ya know, we lost the next two games. It was about to wrap that deal up.
Good ol' buddy "Schrupper" shows up. I'll tell ya, it was the beginning of one hell of a night when he showed up. He immediately noticed all of the beer cans sitting in front of me and he decided that he needed to catch up. In the World of Schrupp, that is no difficult task. While I was away for a few minutes to put C-Dog back into its kennel, I returned with Schrupp just behind a few cans. It was no race on my part, although I was feeling pretty good, but when Schrupp is on a roll, there's no stopping him.
We made the decision to head down to go "midnight bowling" in Marshall, but before that, I got a tour of Schrupp and Becca's new, completely remodeled house. Before that, when Mike and Shane lived there, it was practically Party Central, reeking of spilled alcohol and cigarette smoke. This place was a complete 180 -- something incredibly impressive.
Becca was ill with a fever, so the four of us (now including Lacey) drove down and had some fun bowling. Somebody ordered a "tower" of tap beer (I'm not sure the approximate amount of glasses, but it was a boat-load), but only after a couple of glasses of that, I couldn't take no more. Tap Beer and Tony simply do not mix.
As Mike and I were having our little contest on who could throw a bowling ball the fastest (there was automatic scoring and the computer kept track of how fast we could throw a ball -- Mike won 20.8 mph to my 20.6 mph), Schrupp was still on his streak. He surpassed me and kept going, hitting the tower as much as possible. So much, in fact, that he dropped his bowling ball 5 TIMES, including smoking me in the knee with the ball. It was a glancing blow and I was alright.
The funniest was when Schrupp started to "interact" with the guys next to us on a neighboring lane (I am currently still laughing about this). Schrupp just stands there and points, motioning the guy to bowl. Later on, Schrupp thought they were talking smack (like calling him a "jackass") but Mike, Lacey, and I were in stitches -- with Schrupp getting understandably upset.
Towards the end of the night, Schrupp decided to show all of us that he could lift a bowling ball over his head (one hand!). I immediately backed up, knowing what was going on all night. Predictably, Schrupp dropped the ball, nearly missing his own head and almost crashing on top of his foot. Laughter and tears ensued. After that, we decided to get out of there.
With a cop following us around a little bit, Schrupp decides to go to the bathroom. We pull over behind the restaurant where he is the general manager of and uses a key to get in. I'm also begging him for food, since I actually didn't eat any dinner that night (no wonder I was so smashed). He comes out with something wrapped in saran wrap -- Schrupp thinks it's lasagna, but he wasn't sure. He just puts it in his coat pocket.
On the way home, we were listening to some 80's music. Now this is where Schrupp "stole the show." We were listening to Ray Parker, Jr.'s popular 80's hit, Ghostbusters when Schrupp appeared to be trippin' out. Everytime the background singers yelled, "GHOSTBUSTERS!", Schrupp would start making ghost and scary noises (again, I'm laughing). He'd stick his head up in between the front seats and attempted to scare Mike and Lacey with his "oooooh!" and his "boo!" You had to be there.
We eventually got home safe and sound -- but Sunday morning was quite rough. Damn Tap Beer. I got the dry heaves early that morning, just hoping and praying that something would come up. In the end -- nothing, leaving me to feel like absolute crap all day on Sunday.
And that was my wonderful weekend!
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