Sunday, March 05, 2006

Post #500

A historic achievement for TonyTimes, as this ol' blog hits Post #500. Ridiculous, if you ask me. Just goes to show people that I've got lots of time on my hands.

It's already approaching midnight here in southwestern Minnesota and I'm still awake. I've already thought to myself several times since 9:30 p.m. this evening: man, I should go to bed. But I had such a productive weekend in the "sleep" department -- I mean, man -- I slept GOOD. Probably some of the best sleep I had in a long while. It just just for a short period of time in which it seemed like I did not have any worries ... all was well in the world.

Sunday afternoon -- probably the best day of the year so far. A person couldn't help notice how fine the day was. Temperatures neared the 60's, not a cloud in the sky. People walking around without their jackets on and the air smelt clean. I just had to stand there for a few seconds and soak it in.

I jumped in my truck and drove to the grocery store. I couldn't help but drive by the old high school here in town, which is just located a few blocks away from my house. Although I didn't actually stop, I drove around the old school building's block and soaked it in. The school closed down a couple of years ago, built in 1911-1912, with its jasper stone shimmering in the sunlight. I could easily tell that it had been added on throughout the years, but it didn't matter -- it just seems to give it more character.

I've always had a thing for old buildings and architecture (a failed attempt at a major in college). I was glad back in my HOME TOWN that they converted the old high school there into a museum. I still think it's beautiful to walk through there, especially the gymnasium where the old basketball lines are still painted on the hardwood. My great-grandfather was a one of the first school board members there when the building was erected in 1939, the place where my grandfather and grandmother graduated in 1951. My dad attended elementary school there until they closed the building in 1969 due to -- you guessed it -- drops in enrollment.

Then my mind races to the budget cuts the district is going through as I drive around the abandoned school building. I hear all of these opinions about why the new school was built in the first place -- there was nothing wrong with the old one -- then there are other opinions about how the new building was needed, due to crumbling foundations and leaky pipes (from what I've heard through the media and other people, the building needed to be replaced). One of the thing that still bothers me the most is all the old trophies from years before are still in the old building, very comparative to my Home Town's old school building, in which the trophies are still there. Now, it's nice to see that building has a purpose, but now in case of an abandoned school building, who can appreciate the people and the history and seeing what those people have accomplished as they passed through the district?

The school board meeting last month was not a good one. The school board already announced cuts of over $400,000 by cutting the middle and high school principals and saving on other things. It wasn't much of a shock as it had been rumored that the administration was going to get hit hard. Three teachers have already put in their resignations due to retirement, which will also save some money. So far, I still have a job, but that can all change in the next couple of board meetings.

My mind sways back and forth regarding if they're going to keep me on or not. Some days I have such a shitty attitude, filling my head up with ideas on why I'm not going to be around. Other days, I'm confident in thinking that I'm going to be around next school year by listening to other teachers, saying that they cannot imagine cutting my position.

It seems like I'm already dreading the day when I'm called into the office to learn of my future. Emotionally, how should I handle it? It's going hurt something fierce, but I'm also afraid that I'm going to burn some bridges. With news like that, it's hard to keep me in check and I'll probably "fly off the handle," but I should leave with some dignity and maturity.

I just wish we'd get an idea and some answers. June 1st is too late to find out. And if I do get cut, man -- that really forces myself to look into the educational system and my lack of faith in it. Why bother getting another teaching job after an event like that? A first-year teaching job and a person gets cut right away. Lots of confidence, I tell ya.

But like I keep saying, I'm going to keep pluggin'. You'll know when I know.


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