Sunday, June 18, 2006

Cabin Fever


I'm going crazy. Absolutely nuts. I cannot even believe it myself -- my own behavior. Soon after school ended for the summer, my temper has been short (just a little pissy), frustrated with my current situation (professionally), and overall just bored out of my mind.

I just still cannot get over the fact of this "portfolio" business -- just to get certified in a certain subject. Like hell I'm going back to school! I've been there for a while. I've done my time -- and my friends can voutch for me on that. I'm just cooling down a bit now until I finally go in and talk with the administration and tell them that I simply do not have the time or the MONEY to hit up school again.

I actually bitched about my lawn the other day. It was turning a sickly brown, due to the lack of rain in our region. Talk about getting old -- Mike actually sent me a pretty good e-mail regarding the "signs" of getting old. I'll have to post it. At least it has been raining pretty well few the past couple of days and the grass is making a comeback.

I cannot even sleep in. Teaching has really warped me -- I can stay up late, but still get up early. No wonder I'm like this. I usually read late into the night and read early in the morning ("Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"). You may laugh that I'm reading the "Harry Potter" books, but I myself finally caved in. At first, I slammed the books, but then I came to the realization that you shouldn't judge something without trying it first. I picked up the books last fall and as it turns out, it's a pretty decent story (for young-adult fiction). The first two books, or "years", translated well into the movies, but now that the books are getting longer with more narrative, it's tough to squeeze a 800-page book into an hour-and-a-half-long movie.

This past Wednesday was the deadline to register for our 10-year high school class reunion. Well, *whoops*, didn't mail in my check! I still think it's a joke, but that's just me. I actually dreamt last night that I had attended the class reunion. As far as I can remember, it was an enjoyable experience. Well, I guess anything is enjoyable with lots of alcohol.

The reunion actually takes place during the town's annual summer celebration, in which everybody and their dead grandmothers are going to be there. It makes sense to have the reunion that weekend (since everyone will be home), but everybody will want to be at the beer gardens, naturally, where other people besides your own age will be there also. I have also debated whether or not to return home for that weekend. I may have lost the spirit all together.

Softball seems like a lost cause for this summer. It seems that the team back home has a full roster, and nobody down here has even bothered to ask me if I had wanted to play. It's a little disappointing, considering that this is my first summer off in about 7 years to actually get back to the ballfields. At first, I was insulted that nobody bothered to ask (I thought, "c,mon! I'm a baseball coach, for crying out loud!"). Then, after some thinking, I got off my high horse and no longer worried about it. If I play, I play. It's just a situation of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In the meantime, I ride my bike. Laugh if you will, but I've got to keep in shape somehow.

You may ask, "Tony, you gotta drink some beer!" Believe me, I have.

Man, I need a vacation.


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