Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Let me tell you how much fun In-Service days are.

Monday morning: all teachers and staff report to school before 8:00 a.m. We all had a staff meeting that morning that was supposed to last for 3 hours, but instead, it only lasted 15 minutes.

Then, it was "work in your rooms" day -- all the way until 3:30 p.m. I didn't have to take CPR classes again, but man, BORING.

During that time, I got my grades finalized, took down the pictures off the wall, threw away old assignments and recycled what I could.

Today, I was already expecting yet another slow day. After arriving here again at 8:00 a.m., I managed to get all "checked-out" early, getting my check-out sheet signed and things packed up and ready to go. By 9:30 this morning, I'm good to go. But this afternoon, we do have yet another meeting regarding the new discipline policy that the district plans to implement the next school year.

Tomorrow, is the last day for all teachers to get checked-out. It's just a short morning session with check-out in the afternoon. As for me, I will be traveling to a meeting regarding adding more licensure to my previous Minnesota teaching license -- since it has been put on me that I will be teaching a Work Program that requires a vocational license. Back to school this summer, perhaps?

But for now, I'm just "passing my time," so to speak.


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