Sunday, May 07, 2006

Back to School

In some "shocking" news last Friday, I got to hear what my new schedule will be like for the 2006-2007 school year.

After the cuts and the shake-up at the district, I knew some things were going to be moved around. On Friday, I had a sit down with the superintendent and the princpal to discuss what is going to be "on my lap" for the next year.

The great thing is that I'm going to keep all of my computer classes. Another positive is that more students are taking my classes -- the rumor is that my classes are "slack" -- but I'll get to that later.

But the big change is that I'm going to head up the Work Program that the school offers. Basically, students are in charge of finding their own jobs and they leave school to work. Sounds simple, but as the instructor, I have lots of responsibility. Prior to that, I have to teach the students the proper way a business is run, inside and out, being responsible with finances and how to work with other co-workers.

I still have to find out more about what this program is all about. But, the downside is that I have to go back to school to get more education and become vocationally certified. Oh, well -- the life of a teacher.

The other big news is that I don't have to teach the middle school students any longer. They're fine for about two days in class, then afterwards, complete hell. It seems like students are becoming more and more undisciplined and disrespectful -- especially ours who love to put up graffiti and piss all over the the bathroom walls. It's completely nuts. Through the shake-up, the old discipline model is out and another one is coming in. We're not sure what the details are going to be, but from what I hear, it's going to be tough.


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