High School Football -- Minnesota

Section 6AA Football Bracket -- Minnesota

With my interest in education and the possibility of teaching at the high school level, my interest of high school football has made its leaps and bounds. From that, I'm looking back on my old team.
Looks like the old team made the playoffs.
YME finished 5-3 overall, with a 3-2 record in the 212 Conference. I haven't watched my old school play a football game in a few years, so I really do not know how good they are. West Central is always a pretty good program, so I'm guessing that they'll make State.
BOLD is in another section, ranked #1 in state AA. They're the #1 seed in Section 3AA, obviously.
Prediction: YME may make it to the finals! Last year, they were shut out in the first round. Things are finally looking up for the program, so it seems.
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