The Land of Suck, Part III

Dilbert comic strip from Jan. 18, 2005

Working part-time in manufacturing in a drama. I should be writing some of the crap that happens at work so I can make a movie of it someday.
In the above comic, that is basically what is happening. Due to an increased workload, the company is forming a 4th shift (this is all pretty complicated). The company is now accepting positions for the supervisor for this new shift.
If you have read my previous posts from a while ago regarding work (the "Land of Suck" posts), a long-time 2nd shift worker was denied the 2nd shift supervisor's position and it was given to a person who worked on 3rd shift -- a person who was fired and re-hired twice!
Now, it looks like the same thing is happening again. The same person who applied for the 2nd shift position is applying for the 4th shift position, but now there are talks that she will not get it. It will probably end up in the company hiring somebody outside the company and she will end up training that person in.
This is why I call this place "The Land of Suck." Things are damn unfair -- luckily for me I'm not a full-timer otherwise I should raise the shit-storm.
You see, upper-management thinks that they are gods. They basically look down on us workers like we're ants. The big difference is education. Upper-management have degrees in bull-shit, some of the workers only have a high school diploma or they do not even have one, and many workers have a criminal record.
I cannot begin to speak of how condenscending upper-management is. If you scrap a bunch of parts because it could be your fault -- they draw out the problem for a half-an-hour where it borders on public humiliation. It's like on that movie "Office Space," where a worker has 4 bosses telling him what to do. You just feel like reaching across the desk or table and slapping that guy up-side the head and telling him or her, "Yeah, I got it. Can I go back to work now?"
As for me, I do a job, I do it well. I will not be at this particular place long pending college graduation -- but I feel sorry for my co-workers who have to put up with this kind of crap. As I have always told them, they have the right as American citizens to organize and form a union. The company's response: if the workers organize, we're shutting this place down. Again -- bullshit.
Enough of that rant.
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