Monday, January 16, 2006

Sucks To Be Me

What an In-Service Day -- *yawn*.

All we did today was talk about personality types this morning, plus a little coaches' refresher on splints and such. Other than that, I'm scheduled to do nothing else for the rest of the day. But, I'm required to sit here at my desk, trying to find constructive things to do.

Well, this upcoming week is the last week of the 1st Semester ... I did manage to get all caught up on my grades. In all of my classes, I have nobody failing, but I've got a couple of 'D's to dish out. As far as I'm concerned, they deserve 'em. They'd rather work on their "Piczo" web page than do the homework -- I'd better not hear any complaining this week.

I really need to give my computer application students an Excel final. We've covered everything and my students are getting REAL sick of it. Just as I had learned in college, I have to assess these kids and make sure they've AT LEAST mastered some of the crap I tried to teach them. If some of the kid hate spreadsheet programs now, wait until Access.

In the Law class that I teach ... what a joke. I've been winging all year so far. We're finally finishing up Chapter 2 in the textbook, which ended up being over 150 pages long. I wanted to test them, but instead, I gave them quizzes every week. That'll probably be all that I'm going to expect from them. With four days remaining in the quarter/semester -- I still have to give them another quiz, but what do to for the rest of the days? Hmm.

Speaking of that "personality type" thing that I've mentioned before: I guess I'm an ISTP (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving). I've taken these little psychology tests before in college, which usually all comes out the same. Here's a little description of the type of person I am:
  • Cool onlookers -- quiet, reserved, observing and analyzing life with detached curiousity and unexpected flashes of original humor. Usually interested in cause and effect, how and why mechanical things work, and in organizing facts using logical principles.

Is it me? Close, but not completely. Other notable ISTP's include high-profile athletes like Ty Cobb, Wayne Gretzky, Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, Lou Gehrig; other personalities like Bobby Knight, Mike Ditka, Meg Ryan, Kathy Bates and Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf fill the list out. I have to laugh if I'm in a group of personalities like these folks, but the brain works in mysterious ways.

Apparently, I'm born with this personality. It's already set the minute I'm born. I almost have trouble believing that.


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