Sunday, March 04, 2007

Getting SOME Motivation Back

This has just been a lousy winter. Things seem like they're just got going right.

It's just one of those unexplainable things in which I simply had to impluse to write anything. With all the snow we got hit with these past few weeks and the super-low tempuratures that we had to deal with about a month ago ... I think my own blood had come to a dead-stop.

But in my life, it seems like I'm finally starting to "turn the corner," so to speak. On the other hand, I'm not really liking my job right now just due to the ever-constant struggle of the politics of it all, but hey ... it's all unavoidable.

I haven't been back to the HomeTown in a few weeks due to the weather and other events that have been happening this past few weekends, so the "project" has come to a standstill at the moment. I'm still waiting for my next paycheck (plus my fat tax return) to pay for the software upgrade and finish up some interviews.

But like I said before ... it's starting to come back. Just hang in there and I'll come through.


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