Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Memories From A Long Time Ago...

I was sitting here for a while to think of something good to write and for quite some time, nothing really came to mind. It's been a typical past couple of days.

I fired up my iTunes and it randomly selected the "Dances With Wolves" soundtrack. There was some common themes, like the John Dunbar Theme and the Ride to Fort Hays, and it all came back to me.

It's funny in some ways that when I listen to music, it takes me back to a certain point in my past. In this case with "Dances With Wolves," it brought me back to Bible Camp sometime during the summer of '92.

Our camp was located on one of the most popular recreational lakes in west central Minnesota. Our cabins were located on a hill overlooking the lake and every night, our super-cool counselor would play the soundtrack to help us calm down (remind you, we were 8th graders going onto 9th grade) and soon we would fall asleep.

Since I spend most of my time listening to music while driving my vehicle, there are some times when I listen to a song and can immediately remember where I was at during a certain point in time. These thoughts are a lot stronger when I started college and started making the trips to-and-fro.

It's just something that sticks in my head. From time to time, I usually amaze people about how I can remember such details from so long ago ... but hey, that's just me.


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