Friday, September 07, 2007

A Week of Torture

Ever since Michigan's loss to Appalachian State last Saturday, it's all about how it's the biggest upset in college football history.
  1. Fine, it's an upset. Appalachian State is the current 2-time D-1AA (new FCS) Champions. Sure, they're good.
  2. Fire Lloyd Carr? Are you nuts? Seriously, who in the world says that they should fire one of the most successful coaches in Michigan football history? On the other hand, I can see their point ... the last few bowl games have been disasterous and the Ohio State Buckeyes have their number. Keep Carr and it'll pay off.
  3. Dropping from #5 in the nation to #26, the biggest drop in the AP standings in decades.
  4. Sheets of paper taped to my classroom door and messages scrawled on my whiteboard in my classroom. Everybody knows of my un-dying loyalty to Michigan and I sure paid for it this week.
  5. A Sports Illustrated cover. Hopefully the Curse will take effect and hit Appalachian State HARD.

It's just been a Week of Suck. My neighbor at school is a die-hard Iowa Hawkeye fan and I sure heard it from him. I'm also pretty sure that Wilbur and Alty are taking it pretty hard also.

Tomorrow afternoon, Oregon comes to the Big House to take on the Blue. I'm sure the Wolverines will come out firing, proving everybody that they are still a top-tier team. Let's hope so, I'm getting sick of it all already.


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