Monday, August 20, 2007

CPI Update -- What's Next?

With the "project of projects" all over and completed, I'm faced with a problem that I thought would never occur: what can I do next?

Some thoughts have been swirling around in my head. Instead of a documentary, maybe pull off an actual film with an original screenplay? That's my main goal as of right now, but I need to pull some ideas together.

This time, I really do not want to depend on myself, I would like to get of my friends involved. Mike and Robb are usually quite the writers (Mike even wrote a short screenplay, a Western) and if they came up with an idea, I can sure write the screenplay.

I've got all this equipment and I would like to put it to some use! We'll see what happens in the future of CPI, since I'm going back to work at school and Mike and Robb have their own lives, but hopefully something will work out.


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