Thursday, August 12, 2004

The Land of Suck

"The Land of Suck" refers to work. Yes, it just gets worse.

People have no responsibility whatsoever. 1st shift screwed us over royally yesterday on powder mixing, and it took us three guys until 7:30 p.m. -- 4 1/2 hrs -- to finish a job which is usually takes 3 hours. We were so far behind in everything last night. I was thinking because all of this stress, I'm going to die by the time I'm 35.

Also, I'm thinking that I won't get that bogie robot job. I guess seniority does not rule out there -- since I'm thinking that a less experienced woman will get the job. Apparently, I'm such an asset on the floor that they don't want to get rid of me, which really doesn't make sense, since our supervisor is retiring in a couple of weeks anyway. What would he care?

Just a couple of more weeks of this full-time stuff, then I'm back on part time. Plus, I've got next Thursday, Friday and the following Monday off for my trip to Michigan. Hopefully I can recover then. In the meantime, I'm going to gut it out and look forward to a weekend getting drunk in Hanley!


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