Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Another "Transformers" Movie?

Reading through, I just happened to come across this little article.

Michael Bay directing the new movie? Well, that's the new rumor. Bay is known to direct action movies like "The Rock," "Armageddon," "Pearl Harbor," and "Bad Boys II."

This would be pretty cool -- the master of modern action movies taking on an animated 80's classic like "Transformers." This newer movie is already slated for a November 16, 2006 release date.

But nothing can compare to the old-school original 1986 of "Transformers: The Movie," which I proudly own on DVD. I was a huge fan of the Transformers franchise, with my collection of the old action figures. But I have to beat myself up a little bit: I still do not own the original seasons of the original cartoons on DVD.


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