Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Mass Confusion

Man, if anybody could get their shit together around here.

Since the month of August is winding down, my focus is beginning to change from playing softball and having all-out fun to my job and most of all, coaching a little football.

So while I'm here in P-Town, I've finally taken the initiative to find out what's going on. Nobody at the school seems to know what exactly is going on (regarding practices and handing out the equipment). I've talked to the athletic director, the principal, and even tried to find out information from the other 8th grade coach. Everybody seems to be confused.

I woke up bright and early this morning and attended a varsity practice. The head varsity coach told me that equipment would go out this Thursday and the first practice would be on Friday.


"Didn't the other coach call you?" he asked.

"Nope." I replied.

I called the other coach and explained to him what the head varsity coach had said. Just like myself, he was also confused. Apparently, he saw the head varsity coach in the weight room just a few weeks previously and discussed that equipment would go out on the 24th, first practice on the 28th.

So, who's right? I've already got parents calling me up asking me when practice starts, and I'm the one who feels stupid because I don't have the answers.

Over the course of the year that I've been in this school district, I've only made a few conclusions: you cannot depend on other people for anything -- you have to do it yourself. Being the first-year teacher that I was last year, all I had was questions, but rarely did I receive any advice or help.

It's just been one frustrating situation after another. Besides the whole coaching thing, it just seems like I've been left in the dark at times.

And this goofy variance crap that the state's Department of Education throws on us teachers ... to hell with "No Child Left Behind." I thought it wouldn't effect me, but it has.

Ah ... it's good to bitch.


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