Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Upcoming Week

The Last of the Great Weekends is slowly approaching.

Tony, in all is glory and resurrection, is going to make one last stand for some all-out visceral fun.

Once school starts, my life become busier than ever, with the exception of the weekends -- but God only knows how my body and my brain will hold up after a long week of students.

This month of August has been something else ... to be it is to be cherished. Saying that the months of June and July were rocky is an understatement, but lately these past few weeks, I'm alive once more.

I've had more fun this month than any other that I can think of in the past. Spending time with family and friends has been very rewarding and helpful.

Moving into September will be bittersweet, as I said before, as I move back to the old ways of the realities of a job, but I will sure miss being around those who had stabilized me when I was in need. Hopefully I can make an effort this fall to make the most of a certain situation, seize the day.

I'm heading back to the Home Town this Wednesday to spend some time fishing with my Dad, something that I haven't been able to do for quite some time. I think the last time that I had actually spend time fishing was probably 6 years ago, when I flew up to Canada to do that. Living in Minnesota -- that's a sin!

On Thursday, I will continue to do a bit of fishing, then things will lay low for a little bit. I've got an eye doctor's appointment on Friday (finally, so I can get a new pair of glasses), then on Saturday and Sunday, it's the city league softball tournament.

I may head back the week after for the big Fair for a day, since I hadn't been there for years. Things are looking up as long as I have the time.

I've got a good two weeks before the start of our in-service days ... and I'm going to make the most of it.


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