Monday, March 26, 2007

Hit Hard, Once Again

You know, I thought that I was going to have a good weekend (last weekend: March 24-25) as I was heading back towards the HomeTown for the annual Pheasants Forever banquet. I felt like I could spend a little money, hopefully win a raffle or two, and mix it up with the old locals and catch up a bit.

But, before all that went down, I met with my tax advisor for my annual check-up.

Half-hour later, while driving my truck back to The Farm, I let forth a plethora of expletives that only God knows what I've said (and what I've eventually damned).

As it turns out, I owe the federal and state governments a total of $1200. To whom can I thank? Why ... my ex-wife, of course.

The divorce killed me last August-September. Now it seems that I've got nothing left to stand on. It doesn't matter whether or not that my ex-wife and I were married nearly 9 months out of the year ... it just matters if we were married or not on December 31, 2006 at 11:59 p.m.

Having a marriage deduction on my W-4 was the downfall. I switched back to "single status" in October and by that time, it was too late. There would be no time for me to recover. If the ex-wife and myself decided to "hang on" for another 3 months until the 1st of the new year, I probably would've gotten about $800 the federal and state governments.

I just cannot tell you how upset I am, taking the hit once again for reasons that I cannot even fathom. I cannot wait until she stumbles upon me 'cause I'm simply going to bust her chops over this one. Ever since the divorce proceeding she's gotten me by the balls and she knows it ... hell, my name's on her fucking loans for school and her car and I cannot do a single thing about it until she pays off the principals on those loans.

You know, I would love to forget about the past five years and move on with my own life, but it's shit like this that just keeps on coming up and it just pulls me right back down again. There's stuff that I want to do and accomplish but she's already digging my own grave and she doesn't give a rat's ass.

Fuck marriage, fuck love. Then I wonder why I cannot trust anybody anymore.


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