Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Any Regrets?

As I think back on my past years in college -- is there much regret that I screwed around for so long with absolutely no direction in life, due to the fact that I was finally independent and I could do whatever I wanted?

Yeah, I do regret those days when I was out all night in Fargo/Moorhead, drinking until the early morning hours, hanging out with friends -- all the while my homework and my responsibility was sitting on my desk. Wednesdays through Sundays, I was in a drunken haze. I didn't care about school or anything; I would usually go to one or two classes a week, the rest of the time: playing PSOne during the day hours (Final Fantasy VII, Resident Evil 2) and go all out all night.

I really didn't have the best environment either, my old roommate for a year and a half, Nick, was just as bad. He would drink Southern Comfort like there was no tomorrow, sleep in all day, go out at night with his "girlfriends." One night, my room and the room across the hall was host to the largest on-campus party that got busted. Brew's room across the hall, had 17 people in it -- and these rooms! 10 feet by 8 feet, and most of that is taken up by closet and desk space. Also got hit up for having Concordia girls in my room past 2:00 a.m. Yeah -- nothing happened, but I had to do 2 hours of community service.

But the memories! I have to consider them a learning experience. I'm glad now that MOST of that kind of behavior is now out of my system. But my Moorhead days, the two years right after high school, wow. It was always good to have my old friends in high school coming up to visit and party the Moorhead way (although we were minors), but I remember Sean and Steve sleeping on the top floor of a residence hall (in one I actually didn't live in), Aaron coming up from college in Iowa and FALLING OFF my roommate's loft and he said, "I thought I was Superman." Yeah, he was smashed. And Mike and Jarrod, heading up to Moorhead after DJ-ing a dance, gets to Moorhead at 6:30 in the morning, drunk all the way up, wanting to drink. I was up all night waiting for those guys, watching "GoldenEye" on VHS, and finally drifting off. The phone rang, so I picked it up and hung it up. Then it rang again, then my mind started to function -- it was Mike and Jarrod. After all that beer they drank, they had some serious stinky-ass! My room was in a green haze, but then I convinced them that we should sleep for a while, then it's off to party!

But yeah -- my Moorhead days were bad and I do regret them, but I still love the times and memories that occurred at 287 Holmquist Hall.

P.S. I should put some of Mike's and my e-mails on here, when Mike went to SSU. They were hilarious.


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