Monday, November 29, 2004

Men of History

I'm currently sitting in a lab, working on my educational web page, then I decided to take a break. I was looking through my other pages on my FrontPage server and I came across the "Raft Trip Journal."

I laughed on the spot and opened it up. It was then that I am glad that I am a student of history, along with Mike and Robb -- that they were smart enougth to write down and catalog their events on the make-shift raft on the Yellow Medicine River in the summer of 1994.

I wasn't along for the first trip -- Mike, Robb, and Mike's younger brother Kevin were on the maiden voyage of the ... well, I guess the raft itself did not have a name. I went along in 1995, it was a blast!

I'm a guy who likes to keep history alive, especially with things that I was actively involved in with other people. Sure, people called me a "dork" for carrying a video camera around to our road trips and such, but look who's laughing now! Everybody now days is asking me to watch whatever. I just enjoy watching how different everybody was and how people have changed. I consider the past the greatest days of our lives, days in which we had no inhibitions whatsoever and we got away with EVERYTHING. Well, except for the Pizza Ranch event, we pretty much got away with things.

Anyway, the Raft Journal was written and put together by Mike, Robb, and Kevin in 1994. In 1997, Mike gave me "publishing rights" to post the journal on a web page. Unfortunately, Mike had provided images in the journal regarding different events, but I did not have scanning capabilities at that point. I took a lot of grief, but I managed to get the writings in on the web page.

Here is a small excerpt from the journal as Mike writes:

I got the stove and pancakes, but we forgot sausages, then I went back to get butter and syrup so I am not very happy. Luckily the pancakes will calm me down. Yea!

First pancake - sticks to pan

Robb's quote, "I hope these damn pancakes work."

Kevin's quote, "I hope these sausages work."

After eating their first pancake --

Mike, "Yum, that hit the spot, the syrup is a little cold."

Kevin, "Yummy."

Robb, "Pretty good if I do say so myself."

Sausages are delicious. It looks like she'll be a beauty out today. The sun is out hopefully it will get nice and hot.

"Good pancakes, Robb," Mike said after finishing up his last bite.

Robb replied, "Thanks."

Fire is about out. we will soon pack up and be on our way. It will be a little chilly in the water this morning.

When Robb was asked why his pancake looked like Kristen?

He said, "I like big Knockays!"

Yes, silly as it is -- and the rest of it is just as unappropiate, but it's a wonderful read and the memories will last forever.


At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya some of your old pages are classic. This is one I came across via google when I googled for my name a couple of weeks back:

Some people would call that lame, but now that I look at it I laught at it cuz it is so damn funny. Especially the part about the goalie you drafted :).



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