Tuesday, April 12, 2005

One Step Closer

With all of my application materials in to Arlington for the open position, I was nearly floored on Friday night when I came home and had already received a message regarding that the superintendent wanted to interview me.

At first I thought, "Darn, that was quick...," already thinking that not too many people had actually applied for the position. Anyway, I was to call him back on Monday morning.

3rd Period rolled around and I finally had the opportunity to call Arlington. But the lines were busy in Chester, so I ran out to my truck to grab my cell phone. When I had arrived back to the classroom, my cooperating teacher was already on the phone with Arlington's superintendent. The guy was already tracking me down, having already talked to Chester's high school principal.

I briefly spoke with the superintendent, setting up an early morning interview on Thursday. Afterwards, I found out that the principal and my cooperating teacher had put in some good words and some excellent advice on how to go through the interview.

Should I nervous? Heck, no. I'm at the point in my life where I see something good, I'm going all-out. I'm pretty comfortable in situation like these, so I'm not going to worry a whole lot.

Overall, a fairly stressful week. I'm studying up for my PLT test on Saturday plus preparing for the interview. Add student teaching and work and that adds up to a heavy-work load.


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