Wednesday, June 08, 2005

"Star Wars" Review

I never did get around to putting my own two-cents in about the newest Star Wars movie -- so here goes.

I actually went on my 27th birthday, May 22. Katie and I drove to Sioux Falls to the Century 14 Theaters for the 8:45 p.m. showing. I was all pimped out in my Darth Vader "Sith" baseball jersey and my Star Wars cap, rip-rearin' and ready to go.

This movie is solid. I thought Episode II was pretty good -- Episode III is much better. Besides the visuals (which were simply mind-blowing), the acting and dialogue were a lot better.

But what a story! George Lucas ties up the loose knots, fitting things together until they fall into place when Episode IV rolls around. Needless to say, the movie was dark, had its emotional moments (when the Jedi "younglings" asked Anakin-Just-Turned-Into-Vader what to do, before being cut down). Even the last lightsaber duel between Obi-Wan and Vader turned out well -- although it was quite gruesome and sad to see Anakin/Vader in his poor, pathetic state (no legs, no left arm) until he was burned alive.

Ewan McGregor was great as Obi-Wan, but Ian McDiarmid, who played Supreme Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious was excellent. Man, did he turn out to be one tough mo-fo -- although we already knew about his secret dealing with the Dark Side.

I've only seen this movie once -- probably all I'm going to get to, very uncharacteristic of me NOT to see this movie more than once, like the other previous two. The DVD will most likely be released sometime in November.


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