Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Not A Win, Not A Loss!

Yesterday was a moral victory for our 8th grade football team yesterday, as we traveled to a small town to play in our first game in over a week. We didn't lose, but we didn't win -- we tied.

We matched up really well against the opposing team and it seems like our defense is finally starting to come around. But our offense still needs a lot of work -- maybe it's me, since I'm the offensive coordinator -- but we didn't score until our very last play of the game.

Maybe my offense is a little "advanced"; I'm running plays out of my old high school playbook, mixed in with some of the varsity plays. I've got guards and tackles pullin' all over the place, so I need a lot of speed. Lately, we've gotten better on the offensive line, but we still cannot keep our blocks during a pass play. Still, it ends up in a lot of bitchin' from our quarterback because our line doesn't block.

Sometimes I just get the feeling that the season has been over for us a long time ago -- the psyche of the kids just is not into football anymore. Some of the kids love to come out and hit somebody, but for most, they're out for the wrong reasons.

We've only got a couple of games left, including some on an actual 100-yard field (not just a 40-yard scrimmage), but we're going to play a few tough teams, so who knows how exactly our season is going to end up.


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