Friday, August 25, 2006


I've decided to sit back and take it easy today, since I figured spending the past couple of days at school working is enough for me now.

I'm still having a bugger of a time sleeping. It's not that bad, really -- but for the first few hours of the night, it's good. After about a good 4 hours, then things take a turn. I'm literally trying to find that comfortable position, I'm hot, getting up to adjust the fan, closing the windows if it rains, etc. Then the dreams.

I learned in college that when a person sleeps, for the first few hours a person does not dream. Your brain is in R.E.M. mode and it's trying to get things sorted out from the day's previous events. When you realize in your subconscious that you are dreaming, that means that your brain is somewhat refreshed. Then the past events, people, other random situations come together to form the dreams, and according to your brain, it should make sense, because they're your thoughts! Sometimes you wake up and then think about the dream and say, "what the fuck was that?!"

That happened to me twice last night. After getting my sound 4 hours of sleep, after that it was dotted with small 45 minute snoozes accompanied by these fucked up dreams. It was a disaster. The dreams have been progressively gotten better since the whole break-up thing, but still, there's just some things that seem to dig themselves up in my dreams and it takes me the longest time in mornings to think about it, trying to determine whether or not it was real.

If I had a particularly bad dream, it just ruins my day because I simply cannot get it out of my head. It's just strange how that works -- I know it's not real, but my mood completely plays off it.

Last night, I had one of each. The great one came first, the bad one came later on. Thankfully now, the thoughts of those dreams are starting to fade away. Tonight will be another adventure.



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