Sunday, August 15, 2004

SPECIAL EDITION -- Threshing Show

Look at the time. It is late! And I'm feeling .... good.

An eventful Saturday in Minnesota. I watched several softball games at Centennial Park in Hanley, all the while playing bean-bag game and drinking Miller Lite. Mike and Sean were on a roll ... they won like 10 straight bean-bag games. Lacey and myself really didn't have nothing, although we had a couple of pretty good comebacks but we'd always come up short. Mitch (Goofy) and Cody finally took 'em down, actually winning three straight at one point, but they (Mike and Sean) came up with the brilliant idea of winning the best out of seven. Mike and Sean took the match to the seventh game, which they won.

I was also surprised to hear the news about Lacey's car accident, which occurred sometime last Tuesday. She got rear-ended BIG TIME (I have seen the car) and the car's trunk is completely smashed in. Lacey was waiting to turn to the left off the highway, but had to wait until on-coming traffic had passed. But some guy in a truck behind her didn't pay enough attention and smoked her hard core. She's lucky ... although she is feeling some stiffness in her body (not you, Mike!).

As for the softball games, Woody's Bar lost big time to Helgeson's Insurance, 20-2 -- that including a rare Grand Slam by Robb himself! Woody's will play on Sunday at 11:00 a.m., while Helgeson's will continue on into the winner's bracket and will play at 1:30 p.m. I'm not sure if I'll make it for that game, since the race at Watkins Glen begins at 1:00 p.m.

The bar scene at Hanley was a funky setting -- sand poured on the streets to make it seem like a beach party, although the temp was in the 50's. I sailed with Captain Morgan, while Mike pimped with Michelob. Robb -- later in the night introduced me to Jim Beam ... but he ate the sand. Overall, a great time at the bar, talking to some people I haven't seen in a while (namely "Noodle"), and not having Katie there made it seem a little bland. She was having fun at that wedding in Madison, getting a little drunk but she made it home alright. I had to make sure.

Right now, it's time for bed. Of course, it's late and I'm a little drunk from feeling the effects from Captain Morgan's ship (rocking back and forth), but it's cool. I'll be tip-top in the morning, ready to cheer on Woody's Bar while I take more pictures.

Pictures! I took a butt-load. I'll have to get them scanned in and put a link up for them. I even got Robb's Grand Salami, when he was rounding third base. I wish I had a zoom lens, though...


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