Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Much Alive ... Barely

I'm still here ... no worries, please.

I've just been God-awful busy as of late, concentrating on school-related things, plus a little football on the side. It's been a cruddy-ass past couple of weeks, in which there are very few things going on.

Some a few of the highlights:
  • Fantasy Football: In the SD League, I'm a perfect 3-0. In the MN League, I'm 0-3. Go figure. So far in my 3 losses in the MN League, I've lost by a total of 12 points. I'm there and I'm competitive, but just not quite there yet.
  • UFC 63: I got good and drunk at Mike's place last weekend to watch a little pay-per-view along with Sean. Who knew that UFC could be so ... ahh ... entertaining?
  • Homecoming in P-Town: Well, the school-folk hit my house up something fierce this year, dumping straw bales all over my lawn (spread out, mind you), then on Friday night during the Homecoming dance (which really wasn't a success), I got toliet papered, saran wrapped, baby powdered, and Vaselined. Happy? Not really. And the varsity football team didn't fare too well, either.
  • 8th Grade Football: We dominated a conference rival yesterday afternoon, although the scoreboard read 12 to 6 in our favor. We kicked ass in every aspect of the game, and it was the first instance in which I really didn't get all too caught up in the game itself -- I actually COACHED.
  • It's Official...: I'm a single male, once again. Satisfied? Yes and no.

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