Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Christmas Plans

I'm almost dreading what is going to be a LONG weekend.

It all starts on Friday -- Christmas Eve at Katie's family. This is no ordinary family -- she's got aunts and uncles from the floorboards and of course, they had to have 5 kids each. I'm preparing for nearly 40 people in one house on Friday.

Then, it's up early on Christmas Day for the drive back to Minnesota for my side of the family. It's a little more comfortable, in which we'll probably have 15 people there.

Sunday -- the haul to Hutchinson for my mom's relatives. They're a little "out there." I suppose I'll have to go, since I haven't seen them in over a year and they've never even met Katie.

Katie and I will probably drive back to South Dakota on Monday the 27th, watch Kate's brothers play basketball on the 28th, then have engagement pictures taken on the 29th in Sioux Falls. Now THAT is something I'm looking forward to (I'm being sarcastic, if you didn't know)!


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