One Christmas Down...
...I'd better invest in Pepto Bismol.
This is the period of the year in which I look forward to the most (except the "coldness" and snow). Thanksgiving through New Year's -- yeeeah. Food, friends, family, beer -- nummy.
I just had a Christmas at the family farm last weekend with my dad's side. We didn't have a house full -- at most 15 people -- so we had LOTS of food to go around. Me being me, I like to eat. I literally woofed big time; I ate the ham, even had pheasant, potatoes, corn, relish tray, and other stuff. Combine that with 3 NFL football games on that Saturday, I had a pretty satisfying day.
Then Sunday. My uncle is a master at breakfast and he did something to the scrambled eggs that made me come back for more. Later on that day -- something was building up inside that full gut of mine (you can see where this is going), almost of the point where I was falling over from the pains. My cousin was already out from stomach aches -- but he didn't even eat any breakfast.
Sooner, better than later, I was "sitting down" playing electronic Yatzhee. Not pleasant. Doing repetitive motions in personal hygiene can leave one "feeling very uncomfortable."
Sorry I had to bring that all up -- but I'm warning you the dangers of EATING WAY TOO MUCH during the holidays. I'd rather wake up hung-over on New Year's, barfing my guts out.
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